Thursday, 23 February 2017

Australian Government Department of Health: Message to the Aged Care Sector

2016-17 Aged Care Approvals Round – Allocation of 
Short-Term Restorative Care Places

The Minister for Aged Care and Minister for Indigenous Health, the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP today announced the allocation of 475 new Short-Term Restorative Care (STRC) places worth an estimated $34.7 million. A total of 400 STRC places will take effect in 2016-17 with a further 75 taking effect in 2017-18. The STRC results from the 2016-17 Aged Care Approvals Round (ACAR), including details of the successful approved providers, are available on the department's website.
The STRC programme increases the care options available to older people, through a time-limited (up to 56 days), goal-oriented and multidisplinary package of services. The programme may be delivered in a home/community setting, a residential aged care setting, or a combination of both.
Eligibility for STRC is determined by a comprehensive assessment undertaken by an Aged Care Assessment Team. My Aged Care comprehensive assessors will be able to begin assessing clients across Australia for STRC eligibility from Monday 27 February 2017.
From this date, the new STRC providers will be able to add details of their new services and allocated places to the My Aged Care website. This information will support assessors in making service referrals, and will supplement the national list of STRC services now available on My Aged Care.
For more information about STRC please visit the STRC website, or contact
The results of the second phase of the 2016-17 ACAR covering its residential aged care and capital grant components are anticipated to be announced by mid-2017.
Ageing and Aged Care Group
Department of Health
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Sunday, 5 February 2017

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