Tuesday, 31 January 2017

The Great Australian Dream–

Housing for ALL


Saturday February 11, 2017 (12pm – 2pm)


Senator Lee Rhiannon 
  •  Australian Greens Senator for NSW
Prof Alan Morris (UTS),
  • Prominent urban and housing studies scholar
  • Author: The Australian Dream
Emeritus Professor Frank Stilwell (PhD)
  • Emeritus Professor in Political Economy at the University of Sydney.
  • One of the preeminent economists in the field of Political Economy in Australia.
  • Author of eleven books including ‘Economic Inequality’, ‘Who Gets What?’ & ‘Reshaping Australia’
Katherine McKernan
  • CEO Homelessness NSW

Saturday, 28 January 2017


The only organisation in Australia solely focused on and dedicated to the Rights, Dignity and Well- being of the OLDER women of Australia. We celebrate our new charitable status 

we need your help to continue
Paypal to OWN Australia Inc, or postal order to PO Box 511 Neutral Bay NSW 2089

Monday, 23 January 2017

OWN Australia Inc (OWNA)has been invited, by our local Federal Minister, to a roundtable discussion with the new Federal Health Minister's team to discuss issues of importance for policy directives, in regards to Health. OWNA will speaker directly on the health concerns of Older Women and we need your help!
This opportunity, I am sure, will very much work well for OWN, Australia-wide as well as for our affiliate organisations and friends.

Please provide information at your earliest. Information  regarding Medicare particularly as well as general health concerns from a patient and from carer and community workers point of view

Information required by Monday 30 January.

Thank you in advance for your contributions.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Australian Government Department of Health: Message to the Aged Care Sector

My Aged Care evaluation survey coming soon

A sample of aged care providers, assessors, health professionals, clients and peak bodies who have used My Aged Care in the last year will be invited to take part in a survey on their experiences.

Why participate?

If you are contacted to take part, this is an opportunity to tell us how we can improve our services and what we are already doing well.
The survey is being conducted by market research agency AMR. Your privacy will be protected and all feedback is anonymous.

More information

Contact aacei@health.gov.au with any questions about the research.
This is the second wave of research to evaluate users’ experiences of My Aged Care. The summary of findings from the 2016 wave is on the department’s website.
Ageing and Aged Care Group
Department of Health
Copyright © 2017 Advice to the Aged Care Industry, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you provided your details to the department or you opted in to receive our advice messages.

If you are not already receiving these messages for the aged care sector, you can subscribe atagedcare.health.gov.au/AgedCareUpdates

If you are unsubscribing from this service and you're a provider of aged care services (funded under theCommonwealth Aged Care Act 1997 or via a CHSP grant agreement), the department requests that you supply an alternate email address, for example a group mailbox, to continue receiving important information for your organisation.

Do you need to update your contact details?
You can 
update your subscription preferences in MailChimp and change your email address or organisation type. If you have problems updating your information, email aacei@health.gov.au for help.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

ACOSS Media Release: Centrelink debt fiasco must end immediately
11 January 2017
Centrelink debt fiasco must end immediately
ACOSS calls on the Australian Government to immediately suspend the automated Centrelink debt recovery program that is treating current and past Centrelink recipients like second-class citizens. ACOSS also calls for the program to be independently reviewed.
Acting ACOSS CEO Peter Davidson said: “Centrelink has demonstrably failed in its duty of care to ensure accurate information is provided to recipients of income support and this failure is causing undue stress, anxiety and harm to some of our most vulnerable people.
“In December, we wrote to the Minister calling for the immediate suspension of the debt recovery program because of the systemic problems with the data-matching system.
“ACOSS does not oppose debt recovery action where overpayments have occurred. However, Centrelink must properly investigate overpayments rather than shift the onus of proof onto Centrelink recipients. This would not be accepted from a private creditor and it should not be accepted from a government agency assisting financially vulnerable people.
“To reach an arbitrary target of $4 billion in savings, the government has opted for an error-prone system. For every million dollars raised, it’s likely that hundreds of people are told to repay debts they don’t have and hundreds more are needlessly subjected to stress and anxiety.
“The government has a duty of care towards people who call on it for support, especially those on low incomes. It has breached that duty of care with this debt recovery program, which is why the program must cease in its current form to prevent further harm.
“We are hugely concerned that people are paying back debts that they do not owe because it is too hard to prove that they do not owe it. Where people have issues with the online portal, many cannot get through to Centrelink on the phone and are not receiving the help they need at Centrelink offices.
“To add insult to injury, a 10% recovery fee appears to be systematically applied to debts when it should only apply where people knowingly or recklessly give false information to Centrelink.
“Automated debt recovery action must be suspended, including against people who have already received letters. ACOSS repeats its call to Minister for Human Services Alan Tudge to meet with organisations representing and assisting Centrelink clients in the near future to redesign the program so that it is accurate, fair and humane.”
Media Contact: Charmaine Crowe, ACOSS, 0419 626 155
While ACOSS is not equipped to provide individual advice, we suggest that people receiving these letters who are anxious or uncertain how to respond contact a welfare rights centre or free legal advice service for help. A list of welfare rights centres is here: http://www.welfarerights.org.au/organisations
The National Welfare Rights Network has published a fact sheet providing information about what to do if you have a received a debt letter here: http://www.welfarerights.org.au/news/2017/1/9/new-factsheet-centrelink-online-debt-system
Other sources of assistance include:
Legal Aid Commissions - http://www.nationallegalaid.org/  Your local legal aid commission can give you information and advice.
Your local community legal centre - http://www.fclc.org.au/find_a_clc.php  Provides legal information and advice. Most services are free.
Commonwealth Ombudsman - www.ombudsman.gov.au/ Assists the public by investigating and resolving complaints about Government departments and agencies (and is undertaking its own investigation of the automated debt collection system)
Your Local Member of Federal Parliament - http://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Members
Lifeline 13 11 14 - a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
People affected can also register their concerns on social media using either http://www.notmydebt.com.au/ or on twitter at #notmydebt

Thursday, 5 January 2017

OWN Australia Inc will be in Melbourne 15th - 18th January. If you would like to meet with us and be involved in the re-establishment of OWN Vic please contact the OWN Australia National President - Aloma Fennell on 0420 785 335

Monday, 2 January 2017

To Senator Leyonhjelm

The Older Women's Network Australia Inc strongly objects to the insulting comments made by you as reported by the Australian newspaper and the ABC:

Senator Leyonhjelm said Australians should "reinforce the notion" that "when you retire you will only receive the pension if you're poor and it's nothing to be proud of".
​Do these comments apply to Politicians and their pensions?

Clearly you have no idea of the billions of dollars in unpaid contributions made to the Australian society​  predominately older women. Clearly you have n idea that older women were, during their working lives, not entitled to superannuation, who had to leave their jobs in the public sector when they married because 'they were taking a man's job' and should now feel ashamed because of this? 

Well shame on you Senator, shame on you
Aloma Fennell 
National President
(OWN) Australia Inc.
T: 02 4396 5052
M. 0420 785 335
Email: ownaust@gmail,com
Advocating for the Rights,Dignity and wellbeing of the Older Women of Australia
What a way to start the new year! Surely this man must be vilified be all. 

OWN Australia strongly objects to these comments by Senator David Leyonhjelm.

Senator David Leyonhjelm calls to restrict pension, says being poor 'nothing to be proud of'

By political reporter Uma Patel

Crossbench senator David Leyonhjelm says people who receive pension payments should not be proud because it shows they are poor.
The Government has restricted access to the aged pension for 300,000 older Australians as part of a tightening of the assets test which began yesterday.
But Liberal Democratic senator Leyonhjelm said the restrictions did not go far enough.
"Taking the pension shouldn't be something you aspire to, it should be something you try to avoid because it signifies you're in a low income group — in other words you're poor, or close to poor," he told the ABC.
The crossbench senator wants the payment to be viewed as welfare — not an entitlement for taxpayers once they reach a certain age.
"We really have to get over this idea that you don't have to save for your own retirement and your own old age," he said.
He continued his calls for the family home to form part of the assets test for pensions.
The Government has been defending its changes to the pension during the summer holidays, as Labor ramped up their calls to have it reversed.

Senator Leyonhjelm said Australians should "reinforce the notion" that "when you retire you will only receive the pension if you're poor and it's nothing to be proud of".