Sunday, 28 August 2016

I wholeheartedly agree: Poverty is Sexist.

A letter from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Thank you for the letter you sent to me on International Women’s Day and for calling on world leaders to recognize the indisputable link between gender inequality and extreme poverty. On behalf of the Government of Canada, I am writing back to let you know that I wholeheartedly agree: Poverty is Sexist.
Women and girls are less likely to get an education, more likely to be impoverished, and face greater risk of disease and poor health. I am grateful to groups like ONE, who work toward ending extreme poverty and gender inequality around the world, while also holding global leaders accountable.
I accept your challenge to lead. As a feminist, I know that women must be treated equally everywhere. That is why, as one of my first actions as Prime Minister, I named a gender balanced Cabinet. It is my hope that this will set an example for governments around the world.
The Government of Canada is taking another important and concrete step: we will host the Global Fund replenishment conference in Montreal in September. We have also raised our contribution by 20% to $785 million CDN.
Investing in the Global Fund – which fights HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis – is critical, particularly for young women, who account for a shocking 74% of all new HIV infections among adolescents in Africa. Canada’s increased investment means more mosquito nets and medicine, and greater access to treatment and therapy, all of which will help the Global Fund meet its ultimate goal of saving an additional eight million lives and averting an additional 300 million new infections by 2019.
This commitment could not come at a more important time. The world has a unique opportunity to make lasting progress. By fast-tracking investments and building global solidarity, we can bring an end to three devastating epidemics – HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis – that have tragic and far-reaching impacts on the most vulnerable people around the world.
Canada’s commitment to the Global Fund is the first step on a path toward a new global policy that prioritizes equal treatment of girls and women. Investing in health will enable girls and women to survive and flourish, including by making key contributions to ending extreme poverty for everyone.
But no one leader can make this happen alone. Canada can play an important role, but we need other leaders around the world to step up, too. And that’s where you come in.
Please continue to use your voice to ask for more from all leaders around the world. Please ask them to come to the Global Fund Replenishment Conference with ambitious goals, investments, and innovations in support of girls and women everywhere.
And please know that your call has been heard and that the Government of Canada is taking action.
Thanks, and see you soon.
Justin Trudeau

Monday, 15 August 2016

Suffragettes Celebrate the Passing of the 19th Amendment: On August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the Constitution was finally ratified, granting American women the right to vote. (Photo source:

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Industry alert: Anticoagulant therapy and falls resulting in head injuries

The Department of Health wishes to alert all Australian Government subsidised aged care providers to the South Australia Coroner’s inquest findings regarding anticoagulant therapy and falls resulting in minor head injuries.

South Australia Coroner’s Report

The South Australia Coroner’s report makes recommendations for the management of care recipients on anticoagulant therapy who suffer a fall that results in a minor head injury.
The report notes:
  • the increased risk of intracranial bleeding associated with anti-coagulation therapy
  • care recipients with pre-existing cognitive impairment may have a lot of cerebral shrinkage and this can mean that it is often difficult to detect intracranial bleeding until it is too late.
The report also notes that the aged care home concerned has amended its protocols and now requires any care recipient on anticoagulant therapy to be sent to hospital for assessment following a fall resulting in a minor head injury.

Suggestions for your consideration

All Commonwealth subsidised aged care homes are currently required by legislation (Aged Care Act 1997) to:
  • have internal systems and procedures in place to protect the health, safety and well-being of care recipients at all times
  • conduct timely and ongoing assessments when care recipients’ needs change
  • ensure staff have the appropriate knowledge and skills to perform their roles effectively
  • arrange referrals for appropriate health specialists in accordance with care recipients assessed needs and preferences. 
While the South Australia Coroner’s findings are recommendations and not legislated requirements, please:

Monday, 1 August 2016

Who is the new female Commissioner? 
The Turnbull Government's move to quickly establish a Royal Commission into the Northern Territory's youth detention system quickly became a bit of a mess.

Just days after being appointed, former NT Chief Justice Brian Martin yesterday stepped down from heading up the Commission.

He's been replaced by two commissioners: former Queensland Supreme Court judgeMargaret White and Indigenous figure Mick Gooda.

Margaret White's been described as a "very fine legal mind" by Queensland Law Society president Bill Potts in The Australian today, and as someone who in 21 years as a Supreme Court justice, "brought to bear great humanity as well as intelligence."

First admitted as a barrister in 1978, White became the first female Justice of the Supreme Court of Queensland in 1992.

She said she's honoured to have been approached for the role, but conceded it will be a challenging task.
From Women's Agenda Aug. 2016

Census: 9th August. Be sure to complete

On Tuesday 9th August 2016, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is calling on everyone in Australia to pause and make a difference by taking part in the 17th national Census of Population and Housing, on Tuesday, 9 August.  This is an online census and following receipt of your Census letter in the mail from ABS where you can find out more including your login instructions  at  Arrangements can be made with ABS to complete a paper census form if that is preferred.
The aim of the Census is to collect accurate data on the key characteristics of the people in Australia on Census night, and the dwellings in which they live. The Census is the only source of comprehensive data for 5 years that will provide input into analysis of intersectional characteristics of disadvantage of the population of Australia classified by Gender.  This analysis will feed into the Gender Indicators Product and the SDG Indicators from 2018. First release of date will commence around April - June 2017 and the second release will follow in November 2017.
eS4W encourages you on August 9 to take part and help inform decisions on policy and planning issues that affect the lives of all Australians and in particular women.