Monday, 23 November 2015

Emergency Risk Management Plans 2015-16 for Residential and Flexible Care providers

Dear Residential and Flexible Care provider,
As the high risk season for major Australian weather events and bushfires approaches it is vital that all aged care services are well prepared and able to respond to a range of emergency events.
Maintaining quality care under these circumstances requires effective emergency risk management planning by providers and support from all levels of government.
It is important that you are well prepared for any events which may impact your service in the future. A list of considerations is attached to assist you in your preparations.

PDF Emergency Risk Management Plans 2015–16 (Providers of Residential and Flexible Care) (128 KB)
Aged Care Access, Quality and Compliance
Department of Health

​The Older Women's Network Australia
 is part of our national conversation that says women's refuges save lives. 

We need
​OWN Australia
 to help share this message with its networks during this important week for everyone campaigning to eliminate men's violence against women.

Timing is critical. We are asking you to share this email with your supporters today.

We want our petition ( to reach as many Australians as possible today and tomorrow so that the need to fund women's refuges now trends during the special Q&A on Domestic Violence on Wednesday 25 November, 9.30pm.

Your support in sharing the social media suggestions below with your supporters would be greatly appreciated.

Helen L’Orange AM for the Women’s Electoral Lobby, Violence Against Women Action Group

  • Q and A* specific Tweet: Women’s refuges save lives. Sign the petition for long term funding @QandA @FergusonNews #QandA #endVAW
  • Tweet: Women’s refuges save lives. Sign the petition for long term #womensrefuges
  • Tweet:  @TurnbullMalcolm & Premiers: Women’s refuges save lives! Agree to long term #womensrefuges funding now

Thursday, 19 November 2015

A CELEBRATION OF WOMEN WITH OUR PATRON PROF.GILLIAN TRIGGS, President Australian Human Rights Commission; and many others.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015


OWN Australia is still experiencing internet problems, We will update with our latest news asap.